Aries February 2014 Horoscope

Aries February 2014 Horoscope prediction:
Every Feb, the sun transits through Aquarius and your solar home of relationships and team efforts. This impact, until the Eighteenth, can put you the main attraction in your public team, featuring your organic Aries magnetism and passion. Venus is in this aspect of your graph until the 26th too, including a enjoyable sprinkle of courtesy to your personality. The beginning aspect of the 30 days, therefore, has a awesome ‘gets along well with others’ factor to it. Everyone wants to discuss to you!

But…there’s a lot of Pisces impact in the air throughout Feb, too. Your natal Aries sun discovers Pisces impact decline and depleting, and it’s not exactly excited that your leader Mars has to invest the whole 30 days there. That gives your solar graph a bit of a “I can’t” sensation in Feb and could create it experience rather panicky and eager, as though you will just failure if you do not get what you want right when you think you need it. Mars in Pisces in your graph does not get along so well with others, and he does not want to discuss to anyone.

The treat for this, to the level there is one, seems to lie in knowledge and psychological activities and enjoyable lively ideas. The treat feelings are most popular around enough duration of the new celestial satellite in Aquarius (on the 10th) when lively educationally focused Jupiter persuades Mars in Pisces to quit crying and just determine factors out. Given the new celestial satellite in your relationship home, if you cannot determine factors out yourself, maybe your buddies can help.

By enough duration of the complete celestial satellite on the Twenty fifth, though, there is such a powerful Pisces power area in the sky that you can let characteristics take its course. If you experience exhausted and explanation and not that friendly by then, well just go forward and relax and protest and getaway. If you must be effective, do documentation or identical individual but necessary projects and tell individuals to keep you alone while you do them.